Friends of Hastings Cemetery

Rev. George Gregory Gardiner

Burke’s Peerage Obituary.  George Gregory Gardiner died 11 November 1890 St Leonard’s on Sea, Essex.

Bath Year Book summary.  The death is announced at St Leonard’s on Sea of the Rev George Gregory Gardiner who succeeded his father the Rev John Gardiner D.D as proprietor and incumbent of the Octagon Chapel until the year 1851 when Mr Gardiner left Bath. …

After leaving Bath, Mr Gardiner became the English Chaplain at Bonn from where he went to the English Protestant Chapel in Avenue Marboeuf, Paris where he remained until the eve of the siege of Paris; later becoming rector of St Mary’s Church at St Leonards on Sea.

In St Leonards he lived at 4 West Hill Terrace, 31 Marina, .2 Magdalen Road