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Hastings Observer 15 November 1890
Yesterday (Friday) afternoon, at the Borough Cemetery, the remains of Mr Alexander Constantine Ionides, who has for some ten years resided at Windycroft, High Wickham, were interred in a vault specially constructed by Messrs Burchell.
The deceased gentleman passed away on Monday last, after having only been ill for two days, at the age of 80. For nearly 30 years he was Greek Consul-
A private service was first held on Friday, at the residence of deceased, conducted by the Revd Dionysius Plaissas, Archimandrite of the Greek Church, London. The service over, the mournful cortege started for the Cemetery.
Amongst the mourners were:— First carriage: The Revd Dionysius Plaissus, Mr Constantine Ionides (eldest son of deceased), Mr Luke Ionides (second son), Mr Alico Ionides (youngest son). Second Carriage: Mr Coroneo (son-
Alexander Constantine Ionides -