Sketch of the Medical Topography or Climate and Soils of Bengal and the North-Western Provinces. By John McLelland, F.L.S., F.G.S., Surgeon H. M. Bengal Service. - Dr. McLelland's work on the Medical Topography of Bengal and the North- Western Provinces,....affords an admirable illustration of the practical advantages which may be derived from members of our profession having some knowledge of those natural sciences, which at first sight appear to be related in no way to medicine. ……. We point to Dr. McLelland's work as an instance where a knowledge of geology and mineralogy has served to throw a flood of light upon the etiology of a very important and obscure disease,.....
John M’Clelland married, as far as can be ascertained, relatively late in life. It is possible that his wife, Sophie Rosina, was one of the women who went to India seeking a husband. He was 37 years older than her. She was born in Meldreth, Cam in 1872.
He retired on 24th November 1865. Possibly he was already on leave in England at that time, as their son, John Gordon was baptised on 3rd November 1865 in Hampshire.
Father's Name: John McClelland
Mother's Name: Sophy McClelland
The household at the time of the 1871 census, when they were living in Surrey at Snowdenham House, Bramley, was John Mc Clelland, born Ireland, aged 67, Retired Surgeon; his wife, Sophia R Mc Clelland, born in Scotland, aged 30; their son, John Gordon Mc Clelland. Aged 5.
There is a death registered for a John Gordon McClellan, of the right age for J G McClelland, in Fulham in 1901, age 36.
Hastings & St Leonards Observer, Saturday 23 May 1885
JOHN MCCLELLAND, DECEASED. Pursuant to the Act of Parliament, and 23rd Vict., chap. now initiated, 14 An Act further the Law of Property, and Relieve of Trustees
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,—That all creditors and other persons having claims against the Estate of JOHN MCCLELLAND, formerly of Launstowne, near Portarlington in Ireland, afterwards No. 6, Lancaster terrace, Regent's Park, in the county of Middlesex, and late No. 29, Marina, St. Leonards-on-Sea in the County of Sussex, retired Inspector-General of Her Majesty's Bengal Medical Department, deceased (who died on the 31st of July, and whose WILL was proved in the Principal Registry the Probate Division of Her Majesty's Justice. the 20th day of August 1853 by Sophia Rosina McClelland, Widow, the Relict cf the said deceased, and Hodgson Pratt, Esq , the Executes therein named), are hereby required to send the particulars, in writing, of their claims or demands to me, the undersigned. Solicitor for the said Executors, on or before the 16th day of June 1885, after which date the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims and demands of which they shall then have had notice. And they will not be liable for the assets of the said deceased, or any part thereof distributed to any person or persons whose claims or demands they shall not then have had notice. Dated this 16th day of May, 1855. JOHN GALSWORTHY, Old Jewry. London, E.C., Solicitor for the Executor.
The original White Rock bandstand was gifted to the town in 1883 by Sophia McCelland in
memory of her late husband John McClelland MD who had died in August that year in St
Leonards. Designed by Mr W L Vernon and constructed by local builder Mr William
Elliott, it was 18 feet by 15 feet and 11 feet high, the roof being supported by eight pillars.
Around the roof, ornamental brackets had the letters H S L T B. SM 1883 designed into
Them, standing for Hastings & St Leonards Town Band. Sophia McClelland 1883.
[You can read more about the story of this bandstand in Postcards from the Seaside by David Dine.]
Sophia remarried, in Ashford, Kent, a Harry Swaine, in 1884. She died in 1885, aged 44.
SOPHIA ROSINA SWAINE (formerly McClelland). Deceased— Pursuant to the Act of Parliament, and 23rd Vict., chap. now initiated, 14 An Act further the Law of Property, and Relieve of Trustees
Notice Is hereby Given, that all CREDITORS and other persons having any claims or demands against the Estate of SOPHIA ROSINA SWAINE (formerly Sophia Rosina McClelland. widow, and since the wife of Henry Edward Swaine), late of No. 69, Warrior-square. St.Leonards-on-Sea. in the county of Sussex, deceased (who died on the 8th day of April. 1885 and to whose estate letters of administration were, on the l1th day of May.1885, granted by her Majesty's Court of Justice, at the Principal Registry of the Probate Division thereof, to the said Henry Edward Swaine, her lawful husband, the administrator therein named), are hereby required to send the particulars, in writing, of their claims and demands to me the undersigned, the solicitor for the said administrator, on or before the 16th day of June, 1885, after which date the said administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims and demands of which he shall then have had notice.— Dated this 16th day of May. 1885. JOHN GALSWORTHY, 12. Old Jewry Chamber-, London, Solicitor for the Administrator.
Works (not exhaustive!)
He edited the posthumous Botanical Works of William Griffith.- The Geology of Kumaon, Calcutta, 1835
- (Some inquiries in the province of Kumaon, relative to geology, and other branches of natural science. Main Author: McClelland, John, d. 1883.)
- A List of Mammalia and Birds collected in Assam by John McClelland, Esq., Assistant Surgeon in the service of the East India Company, Bengal - The North American Review, Volume 46 1838
- Reports of a committee for investigating the coal and mineral resources of India. John McClelland, Calcutta : G.H. Huttman, 1838.
- Indian Cyprinidae - John McClelland [Calcutta, India] : [Bishop's College Press], [1838]
- Sketch of the medical topography, or climate and soils, of Bengal and the N.W. Provinces by John McClelland - The Annals and Magazine of Natural History: Zoology, Botany, and Geology, Volume 6 Taylor & Francis, Limited, 1841
- Reports of the Geological Survey of India for 1843 - 1846
- Medical Topography of Bengal and the N.W.Provinces, London 1859
- Icones plantarum Asiaticarum - William Griffith; John McClelland. Calcutta : Bishop's College Press, 1847-1854.
- Journal of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries (Posthumous Papers bequeathed to The Honorable The East India Company) 1847 by William Griffith and John M'Clelland
- Birds : their structure and function - A S King; J McLelland