Friends of Hastings Cemetery

DD K35

Frances Phillips

Beloved wife of Albert Phillips

died 7th November 1886

Aged 46

'Yes, we miss her oh how sadly

 Only wounded hearts can tell

   Ours the sorrow hers the glory   

Jesus doeth all things well'.

Albert Phillips

Died  November 1921

Aged 81

Hastings and St Leonards Observer - Saturday 12 November 1921

The Borough Coroner (Mr. W. J. Glenister) held an inquest at 41, Milward-road, on Tuesday evening, on the body of Albert Phillips, aged 81, cabinet maker. Kate Knight said deceased had lodged with her for nearly twenty years. On the 10th October hef went to work as usual, and she expected him home to tea at about five o'clock.  About 7.15 he was brought home in a taxicab, and witness was told he had fallen down the stairs leading from his workshop. Deceased told her he fell down about live o'clock and was not discovered till seven o'clock. Dr. Larkin was sent for, and his examination revealed that deceased's shoulder was out of place and some of the ribs fractured.  Mr. Phillips kept to his bed until his death, about 2.30 last Monday.

Richard Jardine, fly proprietor, said his stables were near the deceased's workshop.  About seven o'clock on the 15th October Jardine was coming from his stables when he heard groans, and a weak voice said,” I fell down the stairs."  Witness tried the workshop door but it would not open.  Witness secured assistance and made an entry by a loft.  Deceased was discovered lving doubled up against the door at the bottom of the stairs leading to the workshop.  He was conscious and was taken home in a taxicab.   The stairs were very steep and narrow.  Dr. Arthur Ernest Larkin said he had previously attended deceased, who was a weak old man, and it had surprised him that he went to work at all.  When witness was called he found deceased in the condition described by a previous witness.  Pleurisy had developed, and death was from exhaustion and heart failure following shock.  It was an almost hopeless case from the first.

After returning a verdict of " Death from misadventure," the Coroner added that deceased had been one of the most celebrated cricketers in the South of England.  He was a magnificent batsman, and he (the Coroner) had many a time seen him knock up his century. Deceased was very well known in Hastings, and was one of the famous Phillips cricketing brothers.  In his younger days Mr. Phillips was a fine all-round cricketer and to him belonged the distinction of scoring the first century in local cricket for Hastings United v. Northiam, on the East Hill in 1864.  He made 104 runs not out. of a total of 169.  Earlier in the same year he made a century against Northiam on their own ground. Mr. T. Parkin, J.P., now the sole survivor of the old elub on the East Hill in those days.