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ED I15
In loving memory of our beloved daughter
Beatrice Sherer
who died at St. Leonards
January 20th 1898
aged 35.
"God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. There shall be no more
There is a record of Beatrice’s memorial.
Records show also buried in the same grave:
Charlotte Catherine Goldby married Joseph Ford Sherer on 10th October 1853 in Calcutta, Bengal, India. They had the following children, all born in India.
Louisa Margaret Jane Sherer
Birth: 7 August 1854
Chr. Cherrapoonjee Bengal India
Death: 3 January 1929
Placer, California, United States
Ada Helen Isabel Sherer
Birth: 5 February 1856
Cherrapoonjee, Bengal, India
Death: 6 March 1942
Berkshire, Berkshire
Charlotte Edith Mary Sherer
Birth: 21 February 1858
Calcutta, Bengal, India
Death: 27 February 1938
Kensington, London,
Josephine Beatrice Sherer
Birth: 14 December 1862
Cachon, Bengal, India
Death: January 1898–March 1898
Hastings, East Susse
Joseph Moyle O'Halloran Sherer
Birth: 17 October 1864
Cherrapoonjee, Bengal, India
Death: 20 October 1886
Jhansi, Bengal, India•
Mabel Amy Blanche Sherer
Birth: 27 June 1874
Nowgong, Bengal, India
Death: 17 September 1942
Bath, Somerset
Hastings and St Leonards Observer -
We deeply regret to record the sad and sudden death of Miss Beatrice Sherer, daughter of Alderman Major-
The deceased lady some 14 months ago had an attack of influenza, and had to go away to Scotland for a change of air. She returned in November last well, happy, and quite herself.
Miss Sherer was present at the St. Leonards Christmas Ball, where she unfortunately contracted a chill, which extended to the lungs, bringing on congestion.
Whilst Major-
Sincere and widespread sympathy will go out to the bereaved family in the distressing bereavement that has fallen upon them.
Miss Beatrice Sherer, who was highly esteemed for her amiability and many charming qualities, was generally acknowledged to be one of the most accomplished amateur actresses in the town and district
Silver mounted desk set of two polo pony's hooves engraved with insignia of Captain Joseph Ford Sherer, 49th Bengal Native Infantry, 1865 held by the National Army Museum.
Joseph Ford Sherer
Born on board East India vessel “Providence, during a hurricane.