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Aged 84
EE M02
They had the following children
Harriett [stillborn]
Alfred Lennox Thrupp – married in South Australia
Helen Marion Thrupp died aged 12 months and is buried in Mitcham Anglican Cemetery Mitcham, Mitcham City, South Australia, Australia
Ada Winifred Thrupp
Clara Harriet Thrupp
Edgar Charles Thrupp
The South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA) Wed 16 Mar 1859
6 Jun 1864 Issue of Adelaide South Australian Register
Notice is hereby Given that Leonard William Thrupp. Of Mitcham near Adelaide in the province of South Australia and of 92, King William Street Adelaide aforesaid intend to apply upon the Last Day of this present term to be admitted a 5arrister, solicitor attorney and doctor of her majesty s supreme court for the said province. Dated this ctr Day of June 1484. -
Hastings and St Leonards Observer -
Conservatives who took part the stirring times of the early eighties will be sorry to hear of the death of Mr. Leonard William Thrupp, of' 10, Anglesea Villa Terrace, St. Leonards.
Mr. Thrupp. who was in his 82nd year, passed away suddenly, but peacefully, from heart failure, in his sleep, on the 28th ult. He was formerly a well-
Mr. Thrupp leaves a widow, two sons and two daughters. One son is in Australia. The funeral took place on Thursday at the Borough Cemetery. The Rev. E. Clowes officiated. The chief mourners included the widow, Mr. Edgar Thrupp (son), the Misses Thrupp.
Observer (Adelaide, SA Sat 15 Aug 1908
Mr. Leonard William Thrupp.
News has been received of the death of Mr. Leonard William Thrupp, formerly of Adelaide, which occurred at St. Leonards-
Mr. Thrupp, who was 82 years of age, hailed from the old country, and entered the Government service of -
The Register (Adelaide, SA Tue 13 Feb 1923
The death of Mrs. Anne 'Elizabeth Thrupp, widow of the late Mr. Leonard
William Thrupp, formerly of Adelaide, occurred at 18b Upper Addison Gardens,
Kensington, London, on January 5. The deceased was 98 years of age.