



ER A70 is the family grave of Blanche Daisy Williams’ family.

1891 Census - 9 Stainsby Road, St. Leonards

MILLER Charles W  Head  M  M  36  Greengrocer Etc(Em'er) Udimore      

MILLER  Mary A  Wife  M  F  33        Winchelsea

MILLER  William C  Son  -  M      11  Scholar    St Leonards  

MILLER  Ethel M  Dau -        F 8  Scholar    -   St Leonards

MILLER  Eva A  Dau  -  F  7 Scholar          St Leonards

MILLER  Blanche A  Dau - F 5  Scholar     St Leonards

MILLER  Florence H  Dau  - F 3  Scholar     St Leonards

ROSS    Finlay F  Lodger S   M 27  Carpenter(Em'ee)  Dundee

FATAL MOTOR CYCLE COLLISION". Hastings and St Leonards Observer - Saturday 04 August 1923

Pointed remarks as to the speed of motorists and  and drivers were made by the  Hastings Coroner (Mr. W. j. Glenister) at the inquiry into the fatal accident at London-road. St. Leonards, in which Mr. Charles William Miller (68) greengrocer, 9, Stainsby Street, St. Leonards was killed.  The inquest was held at the Buchanan Hospital

Mary Ann Miller, of 9, Stainsby-street. St. Leonards, wife of the deceased, said her husband enjoyed good health, and bis eyesight and hearing were good.  On Sunday evening his health was aa usual, he had a motorcycle. which he bought in 1921. but before that he had ridden a bicycle for years.  On Sunday he went out after breakfast, and was going to motor-cycle to Brighton.  Witness expected him back between eight and nine p.m.  … Witness went to the hospital and saw her husband, who was unconscious.  She remained with him until he died, about hour later. They had been married 46 years next February.

Hastings and St Leonards Observer - Saturday 11 August 1923
THE LATE MR. CHARLES MILLER. —"Gane" sends the following appreciation, as an old member the St. Leonards Cycling Club.
The late Mr. C. W. Miller, who was fatally injured as recorded last week, whilst motor cycling home from Brighton, was well known by a great many residents of Hastings and St. Leonards, and bis generosity and bonhomie'-—call it what you will - made him a universal favourite.
It is a singular fact that he, who for years was Captain of the Cycling and Motoring Club, led the Club on its numerous runs complete safety, yet, when riding alone, the fatal collision recurred which, unfortunately, closed his career.

It is popularly said that there is safety in numbers, but whether this is so or not, the fact remains that our genial Captain,- and our' equally genial 1ady Captain, Mrs. Rymill, led the Club in safety for many years, when on some occasions, the homeward journey at dusk was attended by 80 cyclists.

As a most enthusiastic follower of the terpsichorean art, "Charlie'' was much in request as M.C., and was at all times courteous and obliging at the numerous dances he attended.

Hastings and St Leonards Observer - Saturday 27 July 1935
An energetic worker for temperance, Mrs. Mary Ann Miller died at her home, 9, Stainsby-street, St. Leonards, on Friday last week at the age of 77.
A native of Rye, she was the widow of Mr. C. W. Miller, and was one of the oldest tradespeople in St. Leonards.  Mrs. Miller was one of the oldest members of the Independent Order of Rechabites (Warrior Tent, St. Leonards) and was an active worker for the B.W.T.A.U. She was also a member of the Tuberculosis Care Committee.

She leaves one son and four daughters.  The funeral took place on Tuesday at the Borough Cemetery in the family grave, which had been lined with evergreens and flowers.  The Rev. W. D. Graham officiated. The immediate mourners were Mr. and Mrs. Miller (son and daughter-in-law), Mr. and Mrs. Mott (son-in-law and daughter), Mrs. H. E. Williams (daughter). Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Traylen (son-in-law and daughter), ……………… The family desire to thank all friends for wonderful letters of sympathy which have been received and for beautiful floral tributes.